Espresso cherry tiramisu

Tiramisu with cherries is the Italian version of the Black Forest gateau.

50 Min.


20 Min.


Zutaten für Personen

Mascarpone cream

1 egg
approx. 20 g sugar
100 g mascarpone
50 ml cream

Chocolate tiramisu with cherries

4 ladyfingers
10 ml espresso
4 tbsp sour cherries
150 g mascarpone cream (homemade)
1 tbsp cocoa powder


Mascarpone cream

  1. Separate the egg. Only the egg yolk is used.
  2. Beat the egg yolk with the sugar to a light, fluffy cream.
  3. Stir in the mascarpone until smooth.
  4. Stir the mascarpone by the spoonful into the egg yolk cream.
  5. Whip the cream until stiff.
  6. Carefully fold the whipped cream into the mascarpone and egg cream.

Chocolate tiramisu with cherries

  1. Drain the cherries.
  2. Cut the ladyfingers into bite-sized pieces.
  3. Place the sponge pieces in mason jars.
  4. Drizzle the sponge pieces with the espresso.
  5. Spread the drained cherries over the sponge.
  6. Cover the cherries with the mascarpone cream.
  7. Chill the tiramisu for about 30 minutes.
  8. Sprinkle the tiramisu with cocoa powder before serving.


Tiramisu can be further modified, e.g. with pears, apples, nectarines or apricots. With berries, sweet wine and berry juice taste better than espresso and amaretto.

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