Lamb’s lettuce with gingerbread crumble

20 Min.


20 Min.


Zutaten für Personen

50 g unglazed gingerbread
1 tbsp butter
1 orange
1/2 tsp mustard
1 tbsp white wine vinegar
3 tbsp olive oil
100 g lamb’s lettuce


  1. Cut the wafer off the gingerbread and roughly crumble the gingerbread.
  2. Heat the butter in a pan and fry the gingerbread crumbles in it.
  3. Place the orange on a chopping board and peel it with a large knife so that the white skin is removed and the flesh is exposed.
  4. Fillet the peeled orange and collect the juice.
  5. Pour 2 tbsp of the orange juice into a small bowl and mix with the mustard, a pinch of sugar and the vinegar.
  6. Whisk in the oil and season the dressing with salt and pepper to taste.
  7. Drizzle the dressing over the cleaned salad and garnish with orange fillets and gingerbread crumble.


Instead of lamb’s lettuce, you can also use various winter salads and refine the salad with roasted nuts.

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