Beet carpaccio with goat’s cheese and pumpkin seed crunch
The beet carpaccio is a real treat with its vibrant colors and aromas.
The beet carpaccio is a real treat with its vibrant colors and aromas.
0.5 lemons
150 g goat’s cream cheese
Cayenne pepper
2 tbsp white balsamic vinegar
1 tsp honey
1 tsp Dijon mustard
6 tbsp walnut oil
2 tbsp pumpkin seeds
Vegetable oil (neutral)
5 tbsp sugar
3 tbsp water
400 g beet (pre-cooked)
100 ml salad dressing (homemade)
400 g beetroot carpaccio (homemade)
approx. 20 goat’s cheese dumplings (homemade)
50 g pumpkin seed crunch (homemade)
Beet stains strongly, so it is advisable to wear kitchen gloves when working with it.
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