
Elisen Gingerbread

1 Std. 15 Min.


45 Min.


Zutaten für Personen

Gingerbread Dough 1

15 g walnuts
75 g chopped almonds
75 g ground hazelnuts
1 tsp gingerbread spice mix (cinnamon, allspice, cardamom, coriander, clove, nutmeg (all ground))
3 pieces of candied ginger
25 g candied lemon peel
25 g candied orange peel
1 egg
100 g sugar

Gingerbread Dough 2

75 g chopped almonds
75 g ground almonds
25 g candied lemon peel
25 g candied orange peel
1 pinch baking soda
1 tsp gingerbread spice mix
1 egg
100 g brown sugar


24 Christmas wafers (host/communion wafer)


100 g dark chocolate
100 g icing sugar
Lemon juice


Gingerbread dough 1

  1. Coarsely chop the walnuts and place them in a large bowl.
  2. Add the chopped almonds and the ground hazelnuts to the walnuts in the bowl.
  3. Also put the gingerbread spice mix into the bowl: (cinnamon, allspice, cardamom, coriander, clove and nutmeg)
  4. Cut the candied ginger, lemon peel and orange peel, add to the ingredients in the bowl and mix everything together.
  5. Mix the egg and the sugar with a fork.
  6. Add the egg cream to the mixture in the big bowl and fold everything together into a firm, sticky dough.
  7. Adapt the consistency by adding some more ground hazelnuts, if needed.

Gingerbread dough 2

  1. Put the chopped and ground almonds, the baking soda, the gingerbread spice mix into the bowl with the candied lemon and orange peel and mix very thing well.
  2. Mix the egg and the sugar with a fork.
  3. Add the egg cream to the mixture in the big bowl and fold everything together into a firm, sticky dough.
  4. Adapt the consistency by adding some more ground almonds, if needed.

Baking gingerbread in the oven

  1. Place a heaped teaspoon of Lebkuchen dough onto each of the Christmas wafers and spread by using your fingers.
  2. Place the Lebkuchen on a baking tin and bake for approx. 12 minutes at 180° C until lightly brown, but not fully baked.


The Lebkuchen become even more tasty after a rest of some days. They will last for a long time, if kept in a tin box with a slice of apple (to be removed after a couple of days). If they get to dry after some weeks, simply add another slice of apple to remoist them.

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