Fried beef with soy sauce

A fiery treat for meat lovers!

40 Min.


30 Min.


Zutaten für Personen

1 spring onion
1 red onion
1 garlic clove
1 bell bell pepper
200 g beef (roast beef)
1 tsp red curry paste
1 tbsp vegetable oil
50 ml vegetable stock
1 tsp cornflour
1 tbsp soy sauce
100 g baby spinach
1 stalk Thai basil


  1. Cut the roots off the spring onion, remove the dry leaves or leafy parts and cut the cleaned stalk into fine rings.
  2. Peel the red onion, halve and cut into half rings.
  3. Peel and finely dice the garlic clove.
  4. Cut the stalk out of the bell pepper, remove all the seeds and white membranes and cut the bell pepper into strips.
  5. Cut the patted-dry beef into thin strips.
  6. Heat the vegetable oil in a pan.
  7. Lightly fry the red curry paste in the hot oil, stirring, until roasted aromas emerge.
  8. Stir-fry the beef strips in the roasted curry paste.
  9. Remove the fried beef strips from the pan and place on a plate.
  10. Stir-fry the spring onion rings, red onion strips, bell pepper strips and diced garlic briefly in the pan.
  11. Deglaze the sautéed vegetables with the vegetable stock and reduce the heat.
  12. Mix the cornflour with cold water, stir into the sauce and leave to thicken.
  13. Season the thickened sauce with the soy sauce, salt and pepper to taste.
  14. Return the meat to the sauce and simmer for approx. 3 minutes.
  15. Pick the spinach.
  16. Cut off the stem of the Thai basil below the leaves and roughly chop the leaves.
  17. Garnish the meat and sauce with the spinach and chopped Thai basil.


The dish also tastes good with other vegetables, e.g. mushrooms and zucchinis. Soy sauce is already very salty in itself, so be careful when seasoning: you may not need any more salt. Asian-style rice prepared without salt goes best with this dish.

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