T-Bone Steak auf einem Teller

T-bone steak with lemon gremolata

30 Min.


10 Min.


Zutaten für Personen

8 stalks of parsley
2 lemons
3 garlic cloves
1 chili
coarse salt
2 T-bone steaks, approx. 300 g each
8 tbsp olive oil


  1. Cut off the woody part of the parsley stalks and finely chop the remaining parsley.
  2. Grate the yellow part of the lemon zest and add to the parsley in the small bowl.
  3. Peel the garlic, dice very finely with a little salt until it forms a paste and add to the bowl.
  4. Halve the chilli, deseed, finely chop and add to the bowl.
  5. Season the seasoning mixture generously with salt and mix everything together well.
  6. Coat the T-bone steaks with the seasoning mixture and leave to marinate for approx. 10 minutes.
  7. Heat a frying pan and add the oil.
  8. Place the first T-bone steak in the oil as soon as it starts to smoke and sear for approx. 1 minute on the first side.
  9. Turn the steak over and sear the other side for approx. 1 minute and place on a baking tray.
  10. Repeat steps 8 and 9 until all the steaks are on the baking tray.
  11. Grill the steaks in a preheated oven at 160° for approx. 10 minutes until cooked to the desired degree of doneness.


The soaking time of the gremolata is important so that the seasoning penetrates the meat.

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