Tortilla with peppers

Here comes the Spanish and vegetarian version of the farmer’s breakfast!

1 Std. 30 Min.


35 Min.


Zutaten für Personen

Spanish roast potatoes

4 potatoes
2 tbsp olive oil
cayenne pepper
1 onion

Tortilla de patatas with peppers

0.5 red peppers
120 g Spanish fried potatoes (homemade)
2 eggs
cayenne pepper


Spanish roast potatoes

  1. Peel the potatoes and cut into thin slices.
  2. Heat the olive oil in a pan.
  3. Add the potato slices to the heated olive oil in the pan.
  4. Season the potatoes with salt and cayenne pepper.
  5. Turn the potatoes until they are coated all over with oil.
  6. Cover the potatoes and leave to cook on a low heat for approx. 10 minutes.
  7. Peel the onion and slice thinly.
  8. Mix the onion slices with the cooked potato slices.
  9. Cover and cook the onion and potato slices for approx. 10 minutes until the potato and onion slices are cooked.
  10. Pour off the excess oil from the fried potatoes.
  11. Place the roast potatoes in an ovenproof dish.

Tortilla de patatas with peppers

  1. Deseed and finely dice the bell pepper.
  2. Spread the diced bell pepper over the Spanish roast potatoes in the ovenproof dish.
  3. Crack the eggs into a small bowl.
  4. Season the eggs with salt and cayenne pepper.
  5. Whisk the eggs briefly with a fork.
  6. Pour the beaten eggs over the Spanish roast potatoes and diced peppers.
  7. Shake the ovenproof dish until the beaten eggs are evenly mixed with the fried potatoes and diced peppers.
  8. Bake the tortilla in a 180° oven for approx. 20 minutes until golden brown.
  9. Leave the tortilla to rest.
  10. Turn the tortilla out onto a plate or platter.



The tortilla in quadruple quantity makes a wonderful complete meal with a green salad.

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  • Grüne Soße


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